Benefits of EVA Foam on Gunwales

Gunwales are the protective boundary between you and the waves—a crucial element in both the safety and aesthetics of your boat.

Lining them with EVA (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate) foam not only enhances their functionality but also adds a layer of comfort and style.

Let’s dive into how EVA foam can transform these critical edges into more than just safety features.

Enhancing your gunwales with EVA foam is a smart way to increase safety, comfort, and style on your boat. It’s a straightforward upgrade that offers significant benefits, making every journey safer and more enjoyable.

With EVA foam, your gunwales aren’t just functional—they’re a key feature that enhances the boating experience for everyone on board.

Outfitting your gunwales with EVA foam offers substantial improvements:

Safety First: The non-slip texture of EVA foam reduces the risk of slips and falls by providing a reliable grip, even when wet. It’s an essential upgrade for enhancing safety, especially in choppy conditions.

Added Comfort: Whether you’re leaning back to reel in a big catch or resting against the gunwales while enjoying the view, the cushioning properties of EVA foam make these interactions much more comfortable. It’s about turning hard, unforgiving surfaces into plush, supportive ones.

Protection for Your Boat: Gunwales often bear the brunt of equipment knocks and general wear and tear. EVA foam acts as a buffer, protecting the underlying structure from damage while maintaining the boat’s integrity and appearance.

Custom Style: EVA foam isn’t just functional; it’s also stylish. With a variety of colours and patterns to choose from, you can customize your gunwales to reflect your personal style or enhance the overall look of your boat

EVA foam installed on boat gunwales for enhanced protection

Professional Installation, Lasting Peace of Mind

Tailoring EVA Foam for Your Gunwales

Getting the best fit and look involves a bit of planning and customization:

Measure for Perfect Fit: Precisely measure the length and width of your gunwales to ensure the EVA foam covers the entire area without gaps. This precision is crucial for both protection and aesthetics.

Choose the Right Texture: Depending on your activities and needs, select a texture that provides the right balance of grip and comfort. More textured surfaces offer better slip resistance, ideal for high-traffic or wet areas.

Select a Colour Scheme: Choose colours that complement your boat’s exterior or opt for bold contrasts to make the gunwales stand out. This is your chance to make a statement—whether subtle or striking.


Installing and Maintaining EVA Foam

Proper installation and maintenance ensure your EVA foam continues to look great and perform well:

Smooth Installation: Clean the gunwales thoroughly to remove any debris or residues. Apply a marine-grade adhesive to secure the foam in place, ensuring it adheres smoothly without bubbles or wrinkles.

Regular Cleaning: Keep the foam clean with mild soap and water. Routine care will prevent dirt buildup and maintain the vibrant colour and texture of the foam.

Check for Wear: Regularly inspect the foam for signs of wear or peeling. Early detection and repair of small issues can prevent them from becoming significant problems.

Custom EVA foam installation on boat gunwales for added safety

Enhance safety, comfort, and protection on your boat’s gunwales with durable EVA foam